Countdown to Fall Funfest!

The time has come! After participating in just over a handful of smaller farmer’s market events since last April, the countdown is on before my first large event. At the time of this writing, I have nine days before Rolesville Fall Funfest 2023. Nine short days to get more products made and my displays and pricing and ALL.THE.THINGS. done to my satisfaction.

I will admit I have already revised my to-do list. It is not realistic to think I can finish all the different items I had originally wanted to take to funfest. I would rather take slightly fewer items that are well done, well thought out, than to take more but that were rushed. And sleep between now and then would be great as well.

I am not entirely sure what to expect from this event. As I mentioned, my only event experience thus far is with smaller farmer’s markets. Maybe a hundred people or so walk through, but maybe half of those people actually stopped to look at what I was offering. It was a great experience to get my feet wet - to learn payment methods and wrapping items, talking to people, answering questions as well as just the logistics of setting up and displaying my items.

But with Fall Funfest, the town is expecting around 5,000 people. Five THOUSAND is a lot more than a hundred! And so there are just a lot of unknowns for me right now. How many people will stop to look? How many people will be there to buy?

Photo from my very first market experience, March 25, 2023, at the Downtown Rolesville Farmer’s Market. My set up has come a long way in just a few months.

I’m trying to not let my nerves get the best of me. At least not yet. I’m sure a week from now and the night before I will be a bundle of nerves. But I’ve done this before right? I have set up my tent and tables. It' is not all entirely new to me.

And honestly, I have thought about doing an event like this for a long time, well before I even started this business. Going to events like this I always wondered what it would be like, to make something and to set up and actually have people see what I have made, appreciate it and even buy it. Since starting this business, I am grateful for each and every order. Other people enjoying the art I make brings me so much joy. It is a dream come true. And so will participating in Funfest - my first big event!

I better get back to making…time is ticking!


Big News!


A {Mon}Day In The Life Of A Maker