A Little About Me…

Hello! I’m Tiffany - owner, artist & maker at The Daisy Butterfly.

Being an artist and maker has been a long-time, mostly secret, dream of mine. In April 2022, I took my first step towards that dream when I started my Etsy shop - TheDaisyButterfly.

I make jewelry, bookmarks, hair accessories, and ornaments from polymer clay. I love the feeling of shaping and sculpting a block of clay, transforming a block or ball of clay into something completely different.

My love for flowers, gardens, butterflies, and the beach often inspires my work. I may also be a tad fanatical when it comes to cute animals and really enjoy working on whimsical projects.

I am always learning and amazed at all the different applications and techniques for polymer clay and I feel like I’m just getting started. I look forward to offering even more products here at The Daisy Butterfly!